08 diciembre 2008

Tear me Down

Sad for a day, sad for a long time...

if you notice my sadness, will u do something?

probably my best chance of getting rid of this emotional shit is just sleeping and dreaming of a better wake up, in a world where its allowed to show affection and the phisycal contact is natural, where you can create the most beautiful things just because you feel like it.

That's my inside, juicy, about to explode at the first tender contact.
Will be your hand the one that gets soaked of me?

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

em.... first if u want que yo no entienda ponlo en ingles nomas xD
igual sta bkn el pensamiento... medio triston si, me cai bkn :D y porfi sabes k yo lucho contra el ingles por que en mi kbeza se empiexan a pelear el lado izquierdo con el derexo xD jjsjsj :P

blessings :D sta muy bkn igual